Our assessment system

Our assessment system

Assessment is an important part of learning, which consists in valuing the whole process until it reaches the intended outcome, the achievement, the integration of the concept and its relationships. Said system also allows us to measure the efficiency of our teaching staff as well as the channels we use to transmit it.

To carry out these evaluations, we make use of several tools, not only the exam.

Our aim is to prepare our students to adapt themselves to the real needs of a world in a constant movement, where the most suitable, will be that individual who knows how to achieve his/her goals efficiently; using optimally the resources which are at his/her disposal or within reach. Most of the concepts and information are found just a click away, but the success will depend on knowing how to combine that data and use it in favour of a project.

At Eleven School, we want children to be able to reach their adulthood with the capacity of learning untouched, and with the same spirit of curiosity, enjoyment and analysis as when they were young people.

How is our assessment process?

  • This evaluation starts, in most cases and depending on the stage, before the enrolment; where we conduct a first observation.
  • During the different period of adaptation, our guides and teachers compile their surveys and graphics. The aim is to point out a starting point of all students.
  • From here, our teacher will perform a diary register of the progresses of each pupil globally. We do not exclude any of their attitudes or intelligences. We register, measure, value and take into account several important aspects, such as the time they spend with each exercise, material or project, together with the degree of concentration.
  • During the year, we observe, analyse many variables, not just the outcome. The true learning is on its way, not only the outcome, which always arrives. This observation let us detect possible difficulties on time; in order to offset them as soon as possible.
  • We also use several tools, strategies and materials to check each learning and value knowledge. All these tools are accompanied with quantifiable scales which allow us to keep track of the progresses of each pupil.
  • Each student has his/her own record because of the frequent assessments. These assessments are naturally experienced by all students; without pressures or fears. For them, it is a cooperative, dynamic and reflexive process between their teacher and themselves. Both connect with their concern, motivations, needs and rhythms: where each student parts from, their initial skills, dedication and its efforts in the face of achieving of outcomes.
  • Although, there is a previous preparation; it is from year 5 when the learning is intensified to sustain an exam successfully. Necessary learning for subsequent stages as the university. They learn to interact with different kinds of exams, always accompanied by their teachers during the whole process.

There are three phases in this process:

  1. Introduction: where they are exposed one by one the different forms of taking an exam existing, they also familiarise with each one of them (oral, test, written, short-answer, etc)
  2. Preparation. They are given the necessary tools to support these exams; how to study for an exam? How to organise? How to summarise? How to transmit the ideas? How to cope with time and pressure?
  3. Outcome. Where we correct the exam with the student. We detect mistakes, and they understand errors. We also give explanations and new techniques for future tests.

How is the homework?

Our classes are designed in a way that the student receives the new daily lesson individually or in a small group. This provides the student with great advantages such as having a close bond with the teachers, there is no fear to ask whatsoever and the teacher can observe in that particular moment whether he/she us understanding the concept or where he/she needs to pause more, for instance.

Once the lesson has finished, the student stop doing the homework. Therefore, before each explanation, they are shown different exercises to be able to review what they have acquired; with the upside of having the teacher close to resolve doubts. The exercises respect the stage and let the student have enough free time in the afternoon.

Many are the pedagogues, who really insist on the need to have family time, and the family plays the essential role of being parents. From Eleven School, we couldn´t agree with this idea more.

Similarly, the homework is justified when the student is a passive one during the school day, who receives and still receives information; and even so he/she needs extra time to start being active as well as integrating those concepts he/she received.

Certain things to highlight:

  • In our school, the students are active all the time, using resources which motivate them, and allow them to focus on activities, practices and dynamics; beyond the traditional textbook and the memorisation.
  • They are accompanied by the teaching staff, who are all the time at their disposal, checking if they understand or if, instead, they need more resources or time.
  • We foster autonomy, responsibility and orientation as to check the outcomes.
  • Each pupil of primary education has an agenda, where they organise the daily work. They use this agenda since they arrive at the school, checking her/his daily planification and supervising those points, which are being achieved by themselves.
  • Each Friday, all students individually have a private meeting with the tutor, in which both assess where the student is found regarding his/her achievements. In this meeting, they also plan the next week in accordance with his/her accomplishments, needs and pending contents.
  • Within the classrooms´ environment, they have available all resources, materials and tools to accomplish their projects, satisfy their hesitations and connect their acquisitions with the previous knowledge.
  • From secondary, it is when the student has enough maturity to take the next step

In both circumstances, the assessment system and the homework, we look for developing personal values towards self-esteem, self-assurance, motivation and pleasure for learning. These skills are necessary to face any obstacle in life.

Our aim is to prepare our students to adapt themselves to the real needs of a world in a constant movement, where the most suitable, will be that individual who knows how to achieve his/her goals efficiently; using optimally the resources which are at his/her disposal or within reach. Most of the concepts and information are found just a click away, but the success will depend on knowing how to combine that data and use it in favour of a project.

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