- The children’s interests and abilities shape their educational programme.
- Children are active, and their needs and interests are addressed in an individualised way.
- We have mixed-age work groups, creating a rich, cooperative, fraternal environment.
- We do not use worksheets. We use Montessori materials instead. These materials allow students to go from concrete to abstract concepts and promote self-correction.
- Children work at their own pace and achieve their goals personally and uniquely.
- We do not give them homework, since we respect the children’s play and family time.
- The atmosphere in our classrooms encourages a taste for order, self-discipline, and harmony.
- Teachers and guides intervene indirectly, offering guidelines and showing processes. They observe without intervening and avoid hindering spontaneous acts in the children’s learning process.
- We do not give exams, since these only foster stressful situations for children and do not show reliable results in their learning process.
- We educate in freedom and responsibility and, as a consequence, in independence.
- There are no external punishments or prizes, the true rewards are the satisfaction for the children’s achievements and empowerment.
- Arts, sensory education, life skills, and crafts are included in our activities.
- We focus on learning and self-education, the cognitive process being practical and active.